Government Projects & Strategic Alliances

Vmatics core specialization is in Government of India project consultancies (primarily in IT Domain). If you are organization planning to launch your services in India or are interested in meeting up with the right organizations for the product or services that you may have VMATICS is the organization.

Strategic Alliances - Also in the cut throat business of today, it is important to partner with right organizations whenever required, as cooperation between groups can produces better results. At Vmatics we also can be of great help to arrange you the alliances whereby resources, capabilities, and core competences are combined to pursue mutual interests leads to better transactional benefits.

Lead Management Proposition

Vmatics is working on a unique proposition of arranging leads in following domains in USA.

By paying the small inception/retainer fee the organization is listed with our tele sales professionals based out of India and thereafter the money is released on per lead basis.

Our Domain Areas
  • Business Intelligence
  • Retail
  • Health Care
  • Insurance
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